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Contact Us The company provides reliable quality, thoughtful service, excellent reputation, and favorable prices to help new and old customers at home and abroad quickly move towards glory.

Thank you for contacting Shuangjian. We are happy to assist you

Business consultation/after-sales service/complaint opinions (service hotline)+86-722-6430098 +86-722-6430068

Add:Guangshui Economic Development Zone, Hubei Province
Tel:+86-722-6430098  +86-722-6430068


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Double Sword Service Nationwide 34 provinces, providing thoughtful and fast service!

Contact number:+86-722-6430098 +86-722-6430068

Join Us The company is a high-tech enterprise recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and a complete equipment supplier for the China Association of Sulfuric Acid, Phosphate Fertilizer, and Chemical Industry.

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Contact number:+86-722-6430098 +86-722-6430068               Resume


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We are willing to continue to cooperate sincerely with new and old friends at home and abroad with higher quality products and more comprehensive services, and create win-win results together as always!

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Add:Guangshui Economic Development Zone, Hubei Province

Tel:+86-722-6430098  +86-722-6430068
